In many places you can read about about excellent features of Symbian devices. This article will show some their advantages and disadvantages in normal life on N82 example... In many places I will speak about iPhone and other too... BatteryThe more advanced phone, the shortest battery life. This is how we can describe devices created by Nokia and many other manufacturers. My question is: can't be created and produced for example 1600 mAh batteries (like in PDA) for them ? English » Read more | 201292 reads |
Page moved from the Page was updated by me before June 2007 and later updated by other people on the (I have marked it here by italic). This is rather in IRC or blog blog than article - you have been warned ;) Currently new/used notebooks are cheaper and cheaper. If you want something for development, something 64 bit capable, you can consider the HP NX6325. We will describe problems with this family of notebooks here and give all kinds of possible tips... Buying» Read more | 125244 reads |
Content moved from blog Development This is not easy for me, but... I was looking about Gammu in google. Results (I will soon some links to wiki) made, that I finally decided... » Read more | 95982 reads |
NetMonitor in Nokia DCT1-DCT3 phones (part 1/7) (2002)
I'd like to write, that I'm not professionally connected with any cellular network or phone company. This NetMonitor guide is based on many different materials and exists thanks to the support of many different people (see Information sources). This is a guide made by user. It may lack description to some functions or contain errors and mistakes (resulting from wrong translation or my ignorance) and some strange expressions. Many questions remain unanswered. Furthermore, this page is still "under construction". Encouraging, isn't it? But that's the (sad) true: Nokia doesn't make appropriate materials available... I can only assure you, that I do my best to make this NetMonitor description as reliable and complete as possible. English » Read more | 89891 reads |
Cellular technology history (2006 - 2007)
This text was written mainly by Marcin Wiącek, one of main authors of the software presented here. Information here was written from the point of view and knowledge of a man living in Europe. It was collected from many (official and unofficial) sources and is provided only to give a more complete historical info. This can be treat as blog, roadmap, some Nokia related story or many other things. You can choose the best interpretation here...and probably each one will be good. English » Read more | 80421 reads |
e-ink and what's wrong with IT in 2013 (showed on the example...) (2013)
Are you working a lot with computers ? Are your eyes tired because of it ? Yes, the most often they are. English » Read more | 67151 reads |
Why you should and why shouldn't buy Nokia phones (2002)
I write/update this page 21.11.2002. I decided to make this list and publish as separate subpage, because more and more people write me, that current Nokia products don't have this or other feature. I will try to show, which features are important for users and which can make problems. If you have in plans buying phone from this company, first just read this list...and don't say later, that I didn't warn... First start from advantages of Nokia phones (why you should buy Nokia products): English » Read more | 63490 reads |
Ubuntu 10.04 i Mint 9 - rozwiązania dla ludzi ? (2010)
W ostatnim miesiącu pojawiły się dwie nowe wersje dystrybucji Linuxa - 29 kwietnia Ubuntu 10.04 o kodowej nazwie "Lucid Lynx", a 18 maja oparta na niej Mint 9 o kodowej nazwie "Isadora". Chciałbym pokazać skąd się wywodzą (co rzutuje mocno na to, jakie są), zaprezentować obie na platformie x86 (popularne "PeCety") i zastanowić się bliżej nad tym, na ile mogą zainteresować przeciętnego użytkownika Windows. Polski » Read more | 47730 reads |
FAQ - monitor sieci w Nokiach DCT1 - DCT3 (część 1/7) (2002)
Chciałbym tu wyraźnie na początku napisać, że nie zajmuję się zawodowo telefonami ani sieciami komórkowymi, a opis monitora sieci opracowałem głównie na podstawie różnych materiałów i korzystając z pomocy wielu ludzi (patrz Użyte materiały). Jest to raczej opis użytkownika. Mogłem w nim nie uwzględnić wszystkich możliwości, zapewne są tu błędy (mogły np. powstać w wyniku złego tłumaczenia albo wynikać z mojej niewiedzy) i naprawdę dziwne sformuowania. Nie znajdziesz odpowiedzi na wiele pytań. Co więcej, strona jest ciągle "under construction" (w trakcie budowy). Zachęcające, prawda ? Ale taka jest niestety prawda: firma Nokia oficjalnie nie udostępnia publicznie odpowiednich materiałów... I zapewniam Cię, że naprawdę dołożyłem wszelkich możliwych starań, żeby znalazł się tutaj możliwie najlepszy opis. » Read more | 41244 reads |
Comment about Geimini - quo vadis Android... (2011, version 2.0)
The most popular desktop operating system is still Windows XP (it's visible in many reports and logs). Many people were complaining over years about problems with its' security (there were also written from time to time some very fast spreading viruses or worms using some bugs inside) or privacy (Microsoft was suspected and criticized for collecting some user data or statistics). English » Read more | 38169 reads |
100 reasons why you shouldn't touch Vista (2007-2009)
This document contains summary of various disadvantages available in Windows Vista collected from various sources and own experiences. I hope, that this page become popular and somebody from MS decide about eliminating some of described here issues in next Windows version. Although for some users this system can be good and although author likes some new features inside, generally doesn't recommend this system now. English » Read more | 32737 reads |
This page describes keypad codes in Nokia phones. There are given numeric representation, but also codes using chars. How to read them ? Look, where you have char on phone keypad and press numeric key connected with it. And the same for each next. Example: *efr0# = *3370#
Klonujemy komputer - maszyny wirtualne (2010)
Przygoda trwa dalej... czyli Przepisy Drogowe 1.44 i planowane nowości (2017)
Ubuntu 10.04 - Linux dla ludzi ? (2010)
Samsung Galaxy S4 mini - drugie spojrzenie 1.03.... (2013)
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