Content moved from blog Evolution or revolution ? We had this topic visible here few times. I want to return to it again. Let's show few things. First Microsoft. Do you remember problems with joining two Windows families (one started with Windows 95 and one with Windows NT) ? We had Windows 2000, which wasn't the best for users, but finally company released Windows XP and it was big success. Now we hear about Vista incompatibilies and part of reports say clear - because of it may users won't be interested in getting new OS for longer time. English » Read more | 7894 reads |
Content moved from blog First: I hope, that this report (and each next) will start discussion on mailing list and here... Gammu Siemens & OBEX improvements, added support for new SMS formats, updated ID for some Nokia models. Released as test source tarball. Gammu+ Released as test source tarball and win32 binary builds. What is available now ? English » Read more | 7777 reads |
Wielu użytkowników chciałoby mieć możliwość zgrania ze swoich telefonów komórkowych stworzonych przez siebie zdjęć, zrobienia kopii książki telefonicznej czy zawartości kalendarza. Ponieważ programy dostarczane przez producentów "komórek" działają jednak tylko w Windows lub Mac OS, musimy skorzystać z innych narzędzi. W tym artykule postaramy się je przedstawić, jak również zwrócić uwagę na inne możliwe rozwiązania. Polski » Read more | 13902 reads |
Content moved from blog I would like to make to kind of summary...and write about nearest time. I had started/created three families: MyGnokii, Gammu, Gammu+