Michal Čihař: as you probably noticed that I'm not so active here as I used to be, I've written down something about Gammu future on my blog: http://blog.cihar.com/archives/2012/01/27/future-gammu/?utm_source=ml Marcin Wiącek (me): GSM » Read more | 9404 reads |
Dlaczego (nie) Samsung ? Dlaczego (nie) Android ? Kilka komentarzy o Galaxy S... (2010, wersja 1.01)
Przestrzeń dyskowa 8/16 GB, Bluetooth, kamera (a dokładniej dwie), gniazdo 3,5mm do słuchawek, głośnik i mikrofon, złącze micro-USB, czytnik kart micro-SD, radio FM z RDS, sprzętowy akcelerator grafiki, wewnętrzny modem. Czy to opis kolejnego notebooka ? Polski » Read more | 19683 reads |
8/16 GB disk space, Bluetooth, Wifi, camera (or more precise: two), headphones 3,5 mm jack, microphone and speakers, micro-USB, micro-SD card reader, FM radio with RDS, graphic accelerator, internal modem. Is it new computer model ? No - it's Samsung Galaxy S. 4" touchscreen, proximity sensor, big battery, Android and some other make, that it's probably the best phone released during this year... Samsung already sold more than 5 millions of units and is planning to sell 10 millions to the end of 2010. Is it ideal ? English » Read more | 23170 reads |
gammu.org - some period is closed
Like promised I have closed gammu.org in current form. Started 1 April 2005 under gammu.net address, in April 2006 was moved into current domain (gammu.org). First in the form of static pages, later created using MediaWiki. I was publishing there some non GSM texts too, tried to make some phone database with info about firmware changes, versions, pictures.... Big shame, but don't worry... What next ?English » Read more | 20082 reads |
Two interesting articles from last time: Microsoft: 30 Million Windows Phone 7 devices will be sold by the end of 2011 and Nokia top model N900 sales below 100,000: Gartner My answer: first is system, which will probably not have many features known from competitors. Second is system, which was not supported correctly by own manufacturer. How could you think, that they could be successful ? » Read more | 10133 reads |
July 2008 - Brad Brooks, Microsoft's VP of Windows Vista consumer marketing: "We broke a lot of things. We know that, and we know it caused you a lot of pain. It got customers thinking, hey, is Windows Vista a generation we want to get invested in?" Sep 2009 - Steven Ballmer, Microsoft: "We 'screwed up with Windows Mobile'" » Read more | 9679 reads |
In many places you can read about about excellent features of Symbian devices. This article will show some their advantages and disadvantages in normal life on N82 example... In many places I will speak about iPhone and other too... BatteryThe more advanced phone, the shortest battery life. This is how we can describe devices created by Nokia and many other manufacturers. My question is: can't be created and produced for example 1600 mAh batteries (like in PDA) for them ? English » Read more | 201194 reads |
I will want to document some internals of project here... This page will grow with project... First of all, let's start to explain what we need to comunicate with phone... The most important is OS driver for medium used for communication (irda, BT, cable). It's external (for example provided by hardware manufacturer) and installed in OS. We can separate our project into two things:
English » Read more | 38222 reads |
Cellular technology history (2006 - 2007)
This text was written mainly by Marcin Wiącek, one of main authors of the software presented here. Information here was written from the point of view and knowledge of a man living in Europe. It was collected from many (official and unofficial) sources and is provided only to give a more complete historical info. This can be treat as blog, roadmap, some Nokia related story or many other things. You can choose the best interpretation here...and probably each one will be good. English » Read more | 80327 reads |
Content moved from gammu.org blog I was playing today with latest PC Suite from Nokia (6.83) and NSU. I decided to write few words about it... Installer: 23 MB, on HDD the same... It looks nice (better than earlier versions), but doesn't have too many functions and in many places you have info about DRM only (for example: why the hell does it read standard phone applets and waste user time, when few seconds later speak, that it's DRM protected ?). And in license you have a lot of info, what you can't with it... » Read more | 9370 reads |
Content moved from gammu.org blog My diff file for Gammu+ became too big and I decided to release 0.21.00 faster (it doesn't have some planned things). Few notes about this and other issues (random):
English » Read more | 8016 reads |
This page describes keypad codes in Nokia phones. There are given numeric representation, but also codes using chars. How to read them ? Look, where you have char on phone keypad and press numeric key connected with it. And the same for each next. Example: *efr0# = *3370#
KMobileTools call for developers
Why you should and why shouldn't buy Nokia phones (part 2) (2005)
Why you should and why shouldn't buy Nokia phones (2002)
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