Report 2006-04-18
English blog
English blog
Content moved from blog
- 2 April - Gammu in Debian (hurray !)
- 13 April - lost. There is registered instead
- 18 April - Gammu 1.06.00 released. I have done many small steps inside:
20060418 - 1.06.00 [!] No more There is instead. We release this version as 1.06.00, because we want force people to upgrade link [+] Some new texts in Polish localisation (Tomek Fizyk) [*] SMSD DB updated to version 6. There should be "real" UTF8 used now and less problems with MySQL 5 (of course, PHP and SMSD updated too) [*] New method of informing about changes in ChangeLog: [!] Important [+] New functionality [*] Changes in existing functionality [-] Fixed error [*] gammu.txt -> gammu.htm (from Wiki, currently temporary version) [*] readme.txt redirects to wiki [*] new functions for utf8 [-] * Fix, when config file not available (Michal Cihar) [-] * Fix for SMSD [-] * as there are architectures where char is unsigned by default, for SMS->Class we need to explicitly use signed one (it is set/compared for -1) [-] * avoid error in configure when rpm is not installed [-] * second changes type used for length to size_t, which is big enough to hold possible pointer size [-] improved vcf restoring
The same with - there are many small things changed especially inside wiki.
- near future - I hope to end SMS for Gammu+ to end of April, I should end main changes too. I hope, that wiki will explain many software issues then.
Few more issues: There are many emails about cables and new phones. But what can I do without them ? And what should I do after ending SMS for Gammu+ ? How earn money ? Symbian ? Will I have enought time for making everything planned inside my favourite projects ? I will see :-D