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In Nokia 9110 this test looks like follows:
Because Nokia 9110 seems to be 100% hardware compatible with 6110, method of simulating headset and car kit should be the same (see test 75). First of them you can simulate using test 92 too (when you use it, value of the counter from this test doesn't change !). I recommend to read page, where you will find more information about it (for example, another ways to simulate them)... In Nokia 9210:
here's for Nokia 5190:
and in Nokia 7110/8210/6210/6250/3310 looks like follows:
Probably it's about one of phone's memory. Parameters "aaaa" and "cccc" show, whether banks of this memory are free (fffe) or not (fff8). Parameters "bbbbbbbb" and "dddddddd" show, how many times they were erased. In Nokia 9110/9210:
By direct enter to this test you can reset counters from test 90. In Nokia 7110/8210/6210/6250/3310 this test is different:
In Nokia 9110/9210 it looks different:
By direct enter to this test you can enable "headset" profile normally accesible after connecting headset (of course, you don't have to have it ;-)) - xxx can have ON or OFF values.
and in Nokia 7110/8210/6210/6250/3310 it looks like follows:
It's info about first bank of one of phone's memories. When it's free (parameter bbbb=FFFE), parameters "eeeeffffffff" are equal "FFFFFFFFFFFF". Parameter "dddddddd" shows, how many times bank was erased.
It's info about second bank of one of phone's memories. When it's free (parameter bbbb=FFFE), parameters "eeeeffffffff" are equal "FFFFFFFFFFFF". Parameter "dddddddd" shows, how many times bank was erased. In Nokia 9210 it's different:
You can set here (by direct enter), that phone module will be automatically enabled after each removing battery or software reset (for example, using Task Manager). Test in Nokia 3210:
and 7110/6210/6250:
In Nokia 9210:
In Nokia 3210
and newer versions of firmware in Nokia 6210 (confirmed for 5.17 and higher):
In Nokia 9210:
In Nokia 3210:
and 7110:
In Nokia 9210:
For Nokia 8810:
It's probably for enabling FBUS protocol instead of normal used infrared connection. I don't have additional info... And here is for Nokia 7110:
Very similiar is in Nokia 6210/6250:
In Nokia 9210:
Test from Nokia 9110:
and 7110/6210/6250:
Information about using phone's memory. I'm not sure exactly, what memory (when position to phonebook is added, information displayed here is probably about phonebook memory). And in Nokia 8210/3310 is different (they're information about the voice dialling feature):
Values of counters (without "a" parameter) are not saved to EEPROM, when phone is disabled. WARNING: in some phones (like Nokia 3310), if you want to give phone to service for upgrading firmware, remove earlier ALL voice tags from its' memory. In other case memory for them can be decreased for so many voice tags, as were saved in memory in the moment, when it was given to service (example: in Nokia 3310 with two voice tags before upgrading firmware, after it it was possible to save maximal 6 voice tags, counter "a" showed 2, but phone in Menu 1-10 displayed, that memory for them is empty) Test from Nokia 9110/9210:
All values are in hexadecimal values. and 7110/6210/6250:
In Nokia 8210/3310 it's different (information about the recording voice tags in voice dialling feature):
Values of counters (without "c" parameter) are not saved to EEPROM, when phone is disabled. WARNING: in some phones (like Nokia 3310), if you want to give phone to service for upgrading firmware, remove earlier ALL voice tags from its' memory. In other case memory for them can be decreased for so many voice tags, as were saved in memory in the moment, when it was given to service (example: in Nokia 3310 with two voice tags before upgrading firmware, after it it was possible to save maximal 6 voice tags, counter "c" showed 2, but phone in Menu 1-10 displayed, that memory for them is empty) Test from Nokia 9110:
From Nokia 9210:
In Nokia 8210/3310 it's different (information about the recognizing voice tags in voice dialling feature):
b - number of recorded tags in phone. Maximal value is 8 (for Nokia 8210/3310) or 10 (for Nokia 6210). It's displayed in test 100 and test 101 (Nokia 8210/3310) or test 107 and test 108 (Nokia 6210) 2'nd line - info about last recognized by phone voice tag (c=number of voice tag) Values of counters (without "b" parameter) are not saved to EEPROM, when phone is disabled. WARNING: in some phones (like Nokia 3310), if you want to give phone to service for upgrading firmware, remove earlier ALL voice tags from its' memory. In other case memory for them can be decreased for so many voice tags, as were saved in memory in the moment, when it was given to service (example: in Nokia 3310 with two voice tags before upgrading firmware, after it it was possible to save maximal 6 voice tags, counter "b" showed 2, but phone in Menu 1-10 displayed, that memory for them is empty) and from Nokia 6210/6250:
In Nokia 7110:
and 6210/6250:
From Nokia 9210:
In Nokia 7110:
and 6210/6250:
In Nokia 7110:
In Nokia 6210/6250 contains information about the voice dialling feature:
Values of counters (without "a" parameter) are not saved to EEPROM, when phone is disabled. In Nokia 7110:
In Nokia 6210/6250 it's like test 101 in Nokia 8210...
and is connected with recognizing numbers in voice dialing... Test 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115 (115 ONLY IN NOKIA 7110 !)
Nokia 6210/6250/7110 and newer (new generations) save ALL settings and datas (phonebook, SMS, ringtones, WAP, etc.) in flash memory as part of EEPROM. This part is called PMM (I don't know official meaning - unofficial it can be "Post Multiple Memory"). These tests show probably info about next banks of PMM:
In Nokia 9210 test 110 looks like test 100 in Nokia 6210, test 111 like test 101 in Nokia 6210, test 112 is here:
Is it info about PMM banks ?
Info about PMM in Nokia 9210. These tests look like tests 110-115, empty bank is marked as FFFE (like in Nokia 7110) Test from Nokia 3315:
Test from Nokia 7110:
and 3310:
and newer versions of firmware in Nokia 6210 (confirmed for 5.17 and higher):
Connected with BlueTooth module (in this phone it wasn't available).
Counters are in hexadecimal form...
Counters are in hexadecimal form...
Test from Nokia 6250:
Second line changes to 02, when phone measure noise level. and 8210/5210:
Test 240
Test 241 Test 242 Test 243 Test 250 Test 497 The tips needs Net Monitor enabled.
The trick has not been confirmed working yet. For me, it's rather joke... 13. You can also use a program... There are programs, which allow to track some of these parameters on computer's screen (of course, phone must be connected to computer):
14. Can I use NetMonitor without SIM card inserted, without PIN number entered or when SIM card is not active ? GSM standards say, that cellular phone always should allow to make emergency calls (usually 112) - even, when it's was blocked by GSM operator (it means, when normally you can't use this phone - with this IMEI - in network) or when it's without SIM card (eventually it was blocked too). It makes, that after enabling your Nokia looks for available cellular networks. There are some programs in this moment (see in You can also use a program...), which display on computer's screen everything, what could be displayed by phone in this test. Or I will write it different: when you will connect your Nokia to computer and use (for example) Pc-Locals 1.3 or program written by Andreas Schmidt, you can see some information given normally in "Net Monitor" menu. In some phones (I checked it with Nokia 5110) you can have access to this menu (generally, to phone's menu) using gnokii/mygnokii/gammu: you should send dtmf sequence to phone (for example, run gnokii with parameter "--senddtmf sequence", where sequence consists of some digits). When you will enter PIN code, you will be "normally" able to use "Net monitor" menu from phone's keyboard (of course, if it was activated) and all settings and tests inside (for example, not till then in test 6 you will see "preferred" and "forbidden" networks). You can still display tests using described above programs (it can be usefull, when you want to monitor network state and when you don't want to loose caller identification or when you want to check kind of channel after entering PIN code) - they work independent of it, if you have "Net monitor" menu activated and which test is displayed in phone... SIM card data can be readed in test 51 (of course, if your phone supports this test) using these programs independent of it, if you entered PIN code or not. When you don't have SIM card in phone, you will see there "ERROR1". When you use deactived SIM card, you have access to tests in netmonitor (of course, when its' menu was activated earlier). Network of SIM card is normally monitored. Phone tries to communicate with it only once after enabling phone (netmonitor shows, that CCCH, AGCH, SDCC (phone refreshes TA then), BCCH and CCCH channels are used then - like in normal SIM card). Later it's impossible. It's made againg after reseting phone. Of course, you don't have name of monitored network on screen or cellinfo. Interesting thing is, that, for example, you can normally use BTS test... 15. How can I disable NetMonitor ? Enter 241 test in phone or use one of described in question How to activate it ? programs (you enter number 241 there, select "OFF" or something similiar...). TDMA 800/TDMA 1900 phones: Enter NAM programming menu (*3001#12345# code - some sources write, that you have to write security code instead of 12345), set "Field Test display" to "Off"/"Disable" and reboot phone. 16. Do I need to disable NetMonitor before sending my phone to the service ? Normally Nokia phones don't have activated netmonitor. When you will give your handy to service, somebody there can think, that you made some strange things with it (of course, it isn't any maxim - it depends on concrete service and people, who will repair your phone)... But I think, that it will be better to save eventually problems connected with it and deactivate netmonitor's menu before giving phone to service (I repeat: it isn't sometimes required, but it's better to make it, when you don't want to have problems)... 17. Is it possible to re-activate NetMonitor after disabling it ? YES ! You can activate (and deactivate) netmonitor's menu repeat infinitely (and once more ;-)) 18. Is NetMonitor available in analog Nokia phones ? Yes, it seems, that is available in majority of Nokia phones (working in different cellular systems). 19. Does NetMonitor allow to use phone like broadcast station ? No - if you want to speak without costs with people, which are near to you, you have to use broadcasting station or walkie-takie. 20. I don't have all described tests in my phone. Why ? Can I increase their number ? This FAQ describes tests from DIFFERENT Nokia phones (models). If you want to increase number of available tests, you can only change your phone to new, which has more tests (like Nokia 7110) or change it's firmware to never - sometimes (like in Nokia 5110) you can have ONE :-) new test (firmware 5.04 and never has additionaly test 89). If you have ONLY 19 first tests, you have activated ONLY standard netmonitor - enable full (here is more details). Sometimes you can find concrete copies of phones, where is really a little number of tests. For example: I read about Nokia 6110 with 5.48 firmware, where it wasn't possible to activate full netmonitor and where first tests didn't have some parameters (for example, test 7 was empty). In such "cases" I can find one explanation only: phone had not "full" firmware downloaded. User of such phone should take it to the service to download new firmware... 21. Does NetMonitor allow to identify place, where is my interlocutor ? NO. This information are in networks registry, but they're not sent to your phone. NetMonitor allows however (at least theoretically) to look into parameters of sound, which is sent from his(her) phone... 22. Does NetMonitor allow to identify place, where am I ? It's possible, but not too precisely. Why ? Phone can read such parameters required to identify (location of) BTSes like their numbers (see test 11) or TA (see test 1), but readed TA couldn't have been distance from BTS station in straight line (signal can break down) and continuosly isn't possible finding, in what direction (what corner) BTS stations are located (which are "seen" by your phone). So, it's possible to identify area only, where you're (in cities, where BTSes are located more close, it will be more precisely). And it can be done by you or your operator... More info about implementing Mobile Station Location in GSM: 23. What are NetMonitor codes ? Sometimes I read advertisements with requests about NetMonitor codes and I don't know exactly, what is it... It simple: in Poland (my country) rather only GSM/DCS phones are used and you don't have rather some special "secret" codes, which activate NetMonitor... When you need it's description - it's in this FAQ. 24. Is it the truth, that in phones with additional hardware changing frequency band NetMonitor doesn't work correct ? I didn't heard about such hardware. Article about it in Polish Twoja Komorka number 4/2000 (page 18) was only joke... 25. Where can I find description of FBUS/MBUS protocol and commands connected with NetMonitor ? There are not official information about it. All pages below were created by different people, which observed work of compiled software:
On the pages above you will find information about commands connected with NetMonitor for NSx models (if you don't know model of you phone, read this page). Always you can use ready and free ActiveX control ( working with these models too... 26. I have non existing networks on the list of forbidden networks... You should remember, that it's possible to change list of forbidden and preffered networks, for example, using SIM card readers ot some phones (it's possible, this "strange" position was entered this way). When we speak about 260-99 network (260-3F position) - it was number of test network run by the operator of Era GSM network on the exhibition for Day of Telecommunication in Warsaw (May 2000). It presented GPRS. 27. How to check frequency band (900 or 1800 Mhz), where phone work in this moment ? Everything depends on used channel (for GSM 900 1-124, for GSM 1800 512-885) - see description of 1'st test... 28. Can I use DLR-2/DLR-3 cables for activating netmonitor ? Yes, Logo Manager ( works with DLR-3 cable. I don't know software supporting DLR-2... 29. Can I activate netmonitor using Init File Editor (Nokia 9110) ? NO, Init File Editor is connected with PDA part of phone, netmonitor not... 30. Can I force phone to use one frequency band (900 or 1800 Mhz) only ? Unfortunatelly not (of course, some other phones - for example, Motorola - have such function). The only thing, you can do: you can force phone to use one selected channel from concrete frequency (see test 18). Of course, there are some disadvantiges of it - for example, when phone will lost signal on this channel, will report, that network not found (in normal situation it would try to find another channel). 31. How to change settings in tests ?
32. My phone has very short snandby time - it is possible to see the reason of it ? Here are some possible to check reasons:
33. Is netmonitor available in English version only ?
To make this FAQ I used:
People, which are not on this list, should write to me :-) !
For links to pages and sources in Polish language see Polish version of this description. 36. Does using/activating netmonitor cost anything ? Your phone HAS TO monitor network state/signal level, etc. to normal work (and your operator DOESN'T TAKE MONEY for it !). You only can decide, if info about it will be displayed or not - it depends ONLY on you. The same situation is with other parameters connected with phone (for example, battery charging). You can activate netmonitor FREE using methods from How to activate it ?, eventually pay somebody for it ANY money ;-)) - he will do it the same thing... 37. Does using netmonitor is legall ? Privately I think: I received (free ;-)) software for it and I don't make anything wrong. So, why I can't observe parameters ? BTW - different thing is with simlocks (especially, when phone was bought in promotion and signed agreement is not expired ;-)))) .... 38. Which entries on SIM card are used in netmonitor tests ? In new Nokia phones you have to write/read some values changed in some tests in/from some entries in phonebook on SIM card:
Similiar activities in older models (2110i, etc.) were connected with writing values into (for example) internal phone phonebook in entry 98. 39. Can I activate netmonitor in 3310 using soft working with 3210 ? YES - in all new models of Nokia phones you can use the same computer soft. I advice reading point How to activate it ?... 40. After activating netmonitor/BTS TEST my phone can't find network... Nokia phones had always good firmware without too many errors, bugs and mistakes. Some new models (like 6210) make more problems, but even they're so good, that simple activating netmonitor menu doesn't make problems. They can be sometimes visible (like hanging phone) when use concrete tests. It's good to update firmware of phone then and inform me about problem :-))) -> I collect firmware bugs in my pages. Finding and loosing network signal doesn't depend rather on netmonitor - it's possible, that in concrete place and time you don't have transmitters of your operator or network is busy. It happens and is rather normal. Different situation is, when BTS TEST is enabled. Your operator can use set in test channel on small area only and outside it your phone will not show network signal. So, disable it then (see description of test 17). 41. Netmonitor shows different battery capacity than info on it... Phone takes info about battery capacity from resistor inside. If it's different than should be, you see such incorrect info in netmonitor. You can only check (and compare with original), if phone has longer standby/speech time. If yes, you have bigger battery... You have to remember about one detail: In case of LiION battery you will find in netmonitor (test 20) the same value as on battery casing, in NiMH batteries this value can differ even by 200 mAh (and it changes)... 42. NetMonitor in Nokia 6310, 8310,... With generation DCT4 of phones Nokia again started to "hide" this option and sell phones with it for big money. But it seems to be available in phones "normally" sold to people - for example, in 6310i. The problem is only in activating it. |