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BIOSNOTE: some people report about failed BIOS upgrades. Read here ( ), how can you try to "repair" notebook after such one... NOTE: if notebook ask for password on reboot with disabled "required on reboot" option, disable password at all, do reboot, disable notebook, enable, set password again F07
issues from F02 not checked yet (if were fixed or not) F02
Other known issues:
F00 Initial release. Seems to have ACPI problems. manualsmanuals, how to change RAM, HDD, what are parts numbers... Note: service manual contains info about BIOS options unavailable in this series ! BLUETOOTHBLUETOOTH.. Easy to add cable already inside laptop just need to get internal dongle(make sure its a version 2 model as these do faster transfer speeds upto 3mb :)and it fits into the corner of the battery bay when battery removed. HP even give you Widcomm 4 Bluetooth software in C:\SWsetup.But make sure you load software before fitting dongle or windows will load its own version of bluetooth which is poo. docking station issuessecond monitorfrom "In theory & by design, the output of the RGB signals could NOT drive two different 75 ohm devices at the same time. There are a switch inside the nx6325 to disable the output to the internal VGA port once you docked your nx6325. Therefore, you can only able to see the image via a CRT connected to your docking station. Graphics Driver from HP or ATI can not over-ride the hardware limitation to force the RGB signals to come out to your internal VGA port and also the VGA port in the docking station." flashing display during connection Jan 2009 : HP 3 in 1 NAS Docking Station ,BIOS F07, works both internal LCD on Lappy and external 19" screen,plus if Docking Station is connected via LAN to your router you can access the 160GB hard drive via wireless on lappy on MSHOME ,from anywhere in house : ) What a brilliant idea from HP. serial portAccording to HP support it will be visible as device in Windows only, when notebook is connected to docking station... - On my 3-in-1 NAS Dockingstation the COM1 Port is visible as usual. But with my Polar IR Interface (hear rate monitor) it is not working. ;-( DVIfrom "There are no DVI signals connected to the Docking Connector in this series of notebook. ----BIOS version F07 sorts this problem as my NX6325 works flawlessly on Dock with the DVI port. I am using the NAS 3in1 Advanced Docking Station and would recommend it as long as dock is plugged into router via LAN I can access it from my NX on wireless anywhere in the house,giving me another 160GB of storage on its internal drive thats safe and not part of Lappy :)I can even share it on MSHOME with the rest of the family....Pukka. upgrading CPUmoved from Nx6325|Talk (based on some user experience): "- Is it possible to upgrade the processor in this line of notebooks? Specifically going from Sempron to Turion is what I was wondering about. Theoretically it should be, as both have the same socket, the chipset (1150) is capable of handling the Turion and the Sempron is also 64-bit enabled, however HP might have locked the option (I seriously doubt that they actually manufacture more than one type of motherboard for the family) somehow in the BIOS. Anyone has any experiences with this? - I didn't have, but I suggest to look into service manual. AFAIR, it doesn't speak about motherboards differences... - Thanks for the help anyway. I will risk the upgrade as soon as I can buy Vista and keep you updated with my results. By the way, two Nanya Technology's NT1GT64U8HA0BN-3Cs seem to work perfectly in dual channel. - I have done the upgrade. To my huge surprise, I swapped the processors and that was about it. Vista booted up alright (albeit the 32bit version, which is even more surprising) and i'm writing this now from a TL-60 instead of Sempron 3200+. Wow. " - I have also sucessfully upgraded the old Sempron 3500+ to the Turion 64 X2 Dual Core TL-56 1.8GHz - 01/2009 NX6325 just Upgraded from an AMD Sempron 3500+ to a Turion 64 X2 Dual Core TL-66 2.13Ghz , also running 100GB 7,200 rpm Hard drive and 2x1GB RAM ( Corsair Value RAM ),XP SP2 and 32bit WOW :) Blinding boot speeds and now runs 2 or 3 apps at once with no hesitation, pukka.Follow the directions above ,Remove keybooard and heatsink/fan (removed a chunk of fluff built up inside fan/heatsink assembly!!) and reeboted Lappy...MAX of 15 mins :) - I just upgraded from an AMD Sempron 3500+ to a Turion 64 X2 Dual Core TL-58 1.9Ghz , a little artic silver paste and all running sweet. - I have done two upgrades - firstly from Sempron 3500+ to Turion TL-56 (worth mentioning - it had a G2 core revision and there were no compatibility problems) and worked much better (Windows Experience Index reached 4.3). After few months I upgraded it for the second time, to TL-66, and now it works really fast (WEI = 4.9). What is worth mentioning is to check if the fan and the heatsink match well, because during my first exchange I left a 1 mm on the one side, and the temperatures were similar to the present ones. upgrading RAMYou need to be very careful, when you want to upgrade RAM. It works according to specification with DDR2 667Mhz RAM modules (if my info correct, they're SO-DIMM with 200 Pins and they aren't Micro-DIMM with 214 Pins). But in practice not each module sold as compatible with this specification "is good" for nx6325. The symptoms will be:
... With "wrong" RAM notebook can work during hours without error with memtest and similar, all BIOS tests can be OK. Problems will start in Windows (started and used USB). Compatible modules found for now:
Not compatible:
Problem seems to be connected with CPU RAM controller or USB controler. Mixing modules seems to make this problem too. Disabling FingerPrint reader device is not solution. More for example on: No help from HP If you want use 4GB or RAM, please note, that Windows XP won't see everything. This is MS limit. Update (Marcin): I based my opinion on:
Especially: "We have found that applying Service Pack 2 (SP2) to Windows XP imposes a 3gb limit for memory. All 4gb will be there, but XP SP2 only "sees" 3gb. (...) Running with no service pack or SP1 will allow all 4gb to be reconized by Windows XP." and I didn't have personally 4 GB. Of course, if somebody will donate it, I will be much more than happy ;-) Update by Andrius Stanaitis I had this RAM issue on other hardware and have done research on this. 3GB limit is related to both hardware and OS. To be able to use more than that the following should be considered:
There is no info about compatibility with RAM modules with heat spreaders (if they work and fit OK) like New notes about compatibility:
Majority/all predefined configs are sold with 2 RAM chips. If you want to upgrade RAM bigger with dual channel, you have to replace both - in dual channel RAM chips have to be the same Update by Fernando: I bought one Kingston KTH-Z8000B/1GB module about three weeks ago (19 Jun 2007) and upgrade computer RAM to 1,5GB (512MB original memory + 1GB Kingston). I paid near U$D80. Until now, i didn´t have any kind of problems. Everything works great, SO, Apps and devices (USB printer, USB Mouse, USB HDD, etc) works smoothly. Im very pleased with this notebook. Hope my experience helps anybody and thanks for this usefull page. Update by Pawel Ch. Installed 2 x '''Kingston KVR800D2S5/2G''' (2 GB PC6400 800 MHz). Update by Lars B I installed one extra Crucial 2GB 200pin DDR2 SODIMM 256MX64 PC2-5300 on a NX6325 with Turion X2. It had 1GB before.It gave bluescreen with different messages when starting W7, IRQ_Not_less_or equal whas one of them. W7 Safemode was ok. I removed the original (the one under the keyboard)and fitted a second 2GB crucial, same as above. After that no problem. Obviously a missmatch problem with the factory installed memory. memory for graphic cardSee Please note, that HP disabled in BIOS option for setting maximal RAM size available for graphic (although it could be very usefull). replacing HDDFujitsu HDD is quite silent, but makes high frequency tone Philips 000 or Philips 00 screwdriver required for HDD frame HDD frame is compatible with nc6320, nx6310, nx6315, nx6320, nx7400,...), but not sold separately by HP (available with HDD only). No comments... Available on Hitachi Travelstar SATA 3 GBps 100GB 7,200 rpm drive works brilliant and seems quieter than std drive :) SATAAccording to some people (for example While the (HDD) drive itself is a SATA drive it is being accessed using legacy PATA mode. You can change the device "Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller" into "ATI 4379 Serial ATA Controller" in Windows (32Bit) by changing the driver. 3 steps needed:
(successfully tested an working on Vista32 Business.) Has anyone else tried this ?? 01/2009 would it make any difference in XP Pro SP2 32bit ........? Update by Pawel Ch. Checked ATI 4379 SATA Controller with HD Tune on Vista x86 and there`s no difference in performance comparing to Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller. Same read/write speeds... It`s better to buy faster HDD like WD Scorpio Black 160 BEKT 7200 rpm, 16 MB buffer, as it runs in Ultra DMA-6 (Original Fujitsu HDD runs in Ultra DMA-5) and gives an increase in Vista Performace Index from 4,2 to 5,6. It`s also more silent. cloning HDD with Norton Ghost LinuxACPI problems - see, Fixed with newer kernels (Not sure which Version). I'm running BIOS F.07 and using Gentoo 2007.0 with Linux 2.6.23-gentoo-r3. (Works with both i386 and x86_64) Current Ubuntu (7.10) works also. HD is recognized as "/dev/sda" WLAN worked with Ubuntu 7.10 using restricted drivers (Module "bcm43xx" I think) WLAN now works with the "b43" driver Sound worked with Ubuntu 7.10 (ALSA) For model EY350EA (the one I have): machine check in WIndows XP log"Application popup: : Machine Check: Regs" and "Application popup: : Machine Check:" are available in Windows log in SYstem. This is normal for AMD CPU. Ethernet card visible in "Safely Remove Hardware" in WIndowsdisable "lan power saving" and/or "lan/wlan switching" (or similiary named) in BIOS HP WindowsIf you can, please don't buy HP Windows. Rather buy standard OEM. It will cost the same, but will be better...
discussion between user from IP (My apologies for not introducing myself, my name is Pascal Terpstra from Holland) and Marcin:
Other (user from IP It is possible to create an almost "normal" install cd: drivers for 32bit Vista
drivers for 32bit Windows XPHP site for drivers is here: Link We will show, how to use drivers provided directly by hardware manufacturers. The installing order of the drivers is specified below (chipset before graphic, UAA before SoundMax, etc.) Note that after installing a clean Windows XP Pro, the Ethernet card does not work by default - you have to have at least the Ethernet card drivers available on an USB stick/CD/DVD/HDD eventually. - get them as mentioned below Chipset & graphic: ATI page - go into: Drivers & software > Windows XP > Professional / Home > Integrated/motherboard > Radeon Xpress 1150 - download & install driver (little green button) * direct link to Catalyst Software Suite individual components download Note for Catalyst Software Suite 7.2 (dated Feb 21, 2007) - on a clean Windows XP Pro install, do NOT install "Catalyst Control Center" component because it requires .Net Framework 2.0 which is not available by default - trying to download and install .net v3 (x86 Redist Package) & .net v2 did not help. Note: install it for faster IDE, USB and better support for thousands of things Note: you need Catalyst 7.2 or later (and it works from box then), in older you have to modify INI files inside
Note: Catalyst 7.3 - 7.5 make BSODs and other problems. Stay with 7.2 for now -ATI Catalyst Control Centre 8.1 tested and works fine BUT you must Uninstall OLD ATI drivers FIRST and reboot !! before loading new 8.1 newest as of Jan 2009 (depending on where you get CCC you may need to mod .inf file for driver to see HP ATI card as the PID/VID are slightly different :)! sound: HP (Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) Bus Driver for High Definition Audio, later ADI SoundMAX HD Audio Driver) Note: for SP1 you need some MS updates before installing these sound drivers. See fingerprint reader: HP (AuthenTec Fingerprint Driver) additional buttons: HP (HP Quick Launch Buttons) Note: required for working info key and some other additional keys. The best check, if you need them touchpad: Note: without it touchpad will be detected as PS/2 mouse modem: HP (Conexant HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP Driver) Ethernet: HP (Broadcom BCM440x 10-100 Ethernet Drivers or Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet - PCI Express) Wifi: HP (Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver).
card reader: HP (Texas Instruments Media Card Driver and High-Speed Secure Digital (SD) Card Driver) or newer version CPU: (support section for CPU) Note: REQUIRED for CPU throttling (and saving a lot of energy). If you want to use this functionality:
security: HP
Infineon Trusted Platform Module (TPM) driver is not required (install it only, when don't have installed security modules as above and want to have TPM) Bluetooth: add lines in (WIndows directory)\inf\bth.inf [HP.NT.5.1] "HP Integrated Module"= BthUsb, USB\Vid_03F0&Pid_171D and it will work with Microsoft software then. It's much better than WidComm stack....... ####### ???????? WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!( This guy cannot be serious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO-ONE uses the Windows Bluetooth stack its crap ?????????????????You can't even send a pic from mobile to PC without first asking for it from PC and then sending it?? Unlike Widcomm you can send to PC and just accept it. ("HP Integrated Module with Bluetooth Wireless Technology Software" from HP works perfectly with Widcomm ,mine is fine :)) Bluetooth stack software on the nx6325 driver download page is old and has issues (A2DP and HFP didn't work); a newer stack ( by WIDCOMM-BROADCOM) is here You can install
Some other are rather useless (you can need them only, if you have docking station for example). If you want to install and have problems with Help Support Center 3.0, please look this link - Direct link to version 3.03B which is suitable for first install: or use this one: drivers for 64bit Windows XP drivers for Windows 2000There are no Windows 2000 drivers for the new AMD Sempron 3500+ or Turion X2 CPUs. So you will not get any cool'n'quite features with that system. Try to use the application "RMclock" instead. There are also no Modem Driver on the HP Win2000 drivers Website. You can use the WinXP driver. Please note that HP DOES NOT support Windows 2000 on this machine!