Content moved from blog Few notes: gammu.orgWill be payed by me for next year, I will do some wiki updates soon. If you want something else, please let me know. For now you can read various notes about Windows 7 in Articles section. gammu+I have moved 0.40.02 tarball to English » Read more | 8731 reads |
In many places you can read about about excellent features of Symbian devices. This article will show some their advantages and disadvantages in normal life on N82 example... In many places I will speak about iPhone and other too... BatteryThe more advanced phone, the shortest battery life. This is how we can describe devices created by Nokia and many other manufacturers. My question is: can't be created and produced for example 1600 mAh batteries (like in PDA) for them ? English » Read more | 201304 reads |
Content moved from blog Hi, In the time, when we have various widely commented things on the world (Olimpic Games in China, ACTA regulations about ending P2P, Microsoft Windows Vista), Gammu history still can continue (although it's difficult - see info here) and continues. Today there was released new release 0.40 for Gammu+. It brings new important features: English » Read more | 9261 reads |
Content moved from blog I would like to speak shortly about differences between Gammu and Gammu+ now. This will be linked from main page. This is my opinion and you don't have to agree with it... First Gammu - released with GPL2 license is currently lead by Michal. Quite big and supporting many devices. You can have worse support in Windows than earlier and I don't like some things inside, but development goes forward. Michal will give probably also less for Nokia devices than I. English » Read more | 9282 reads |
Content moved from blog Gammu+ 0.38 is out. I have added configure script, which can enable Bluez AFTER USER ACTION. You have written many times, that source after patching is GPL2 licensed. Please note, that in my opinion it doesn't break GPL2 - if you will have patched source, you can remove Bluez driver (yes, this can be very easy separated) and release source under other license: "If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, English » Read more | 8812 reads |
Content moved from blog » Read more | 8785 reads |
Content moved from blog Gammu+ 0.37 is ready. What can I say ? For example: you can make MMS receiving gateway with it now (tested on 6111). It's very close from the state, where will be rock stable, fast and will have support for all important functions. I estimate, that I will reach it in December. And what next ? I'm not sure. I have read about Nokia reactions for info about breaking Series 60 security. I'm not sure, if they will love software, which is faster/smaller/better than their own PC Suite. » Read more | 14497 reads |
Content moved from blog And here it goes Gammu+ 0.36. Here is changelog + some my comments: * added daemon for receiving SMS/MMS to PostgreSQL database (you have new --smsmmsd option in CLI, preview in GUI, PHP preview and other...) I have tested it on 6230i and received SMS quite good. With MMS there was issue - if you try to get info about mms file, when it's received, firmware » Read more | 8268 reads |
Content moved from blog Gammu+ becomes much more complex: I had played last times and worked on adding database support. And here are results: daemon for receiving SMS/MMS. It's working with free PostgreSQL database. Do you want to put your messages into it and read from www ? Yes, it's already done and will be in 0.36. If somebody will be interested, I could work on it and add also sending SMS from www (over such daemon) English » Read more | 9918 reads |
Content moved from blog very short news from me: I'm working hard on new release. Decoding EMS and some other SMS features already work, I'm testing/writing EMS editor + EMS packing functions. If everything will go fine, Gammu+ will have soon support for such EMS functionalities: Text formatting: YES Predefined sounds: YES User-defined sounds: YES Predefined animations: YES Large pictures: YES Small pictures: YES Object Distribution Indicator: YES Variable pictures: YES User Prompt Indicator: YES User defined animations: DECODING » Read more | 7869 reads |
Content moved from blog hmmmm, many various notes: English » Read more | 8102 reads |
Content moved from blog hmmm, I have "small" dilema. I was creating Gammu over years and tried to make it as simple as possible. Later decided to leave it a little (financial and other reasons) and give control over it to very good programmer Michal. Now I have downloaded it (1.13.90) and tried to compile. And what ? And I CAN'T. Michal, there are many new UNKNOWN directories, when I make "cmake CMakeLists.txt", I receive 41 vcp (Visual Studio makefile) files (including old one available in tar.gz). And they don't work too good... » Read more | 14082 reads |
Content moved from blog Holidays after me. Few comments:
» Read more | 8014 reads |
W dniu dzisiejszym dodałem na stronę swoją pracę dyplomową "Projekt i realizacja podsystemu uwierzytelniania zdalnych użytkowników systemu informatycznego wspomagającego funkcjonowanie instytucji edukacyjnej". Polski » Read more | 12684 reads |
Content moved from blog New test Gammu+ available. I have implemented encoding majority of phonebook & calendar support (over SMS), encoding WAP push and todo (over SMS too). Next will be preview of encoded entries, maybe editing too... Yes. Editing. Do you think, that anyone need this software ? I'm thinking something, looking sometimes into history and think, that it become maybe popular, but it's like ReactOS and many other (treat as toys). What do you think ? » Read more | 7776 reads |
Content moved from blog There has been Gammu+ 0.28 released. There is promised shared MMS/SMS API inside and some other changes. This is still test release, but there is next big step into first stable version done. If somebody will want, I will allow for using it under GPL/LGPL3 (and this is not possible for Gammu without "+"). » Read more | 7700 reads |
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